

VASA is the administration of the municipal waste management system in the Vilnius City Municipality, which is consistent with the public interest and objectives set forth by the Vilnius City Municipality. The main goals of the company are:

The Challenge

Health and safety are an integral part of every business. During the Coronavirus Crisis, VASA highlighted the importance of employee and customer safety. VASA tried to find the best solution for protecting their employees and serving their customers safely. They decided to adapt temperature screening with a queue management system.

Thermal imaging cameras scanning body temperature to prescreen people with fevers, were implemented to help stop the spread of the virus and detect elevated surface temperatures.

Only one second is needed to detect the skin temperature of the person and to activate an alarm trigger if the temperature is elevated to notify the operators.

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Our Solution

From the consumer’s perspective, improving the customer experience at a busy service point is critical. VASA wanted to enhance their customer's experience by making it more convenient and quicker. Everyone can utilize the AKIS queue management system, including visitors, employees, and managers. Even with many languages, the visitor's self-sign-in on the system is simple. Managing a customer queue consists of the employee pressing a button. Managers may receive statistics such as the average waiting time for any day, week, or month with just a few clicks. The introduction of the AKIS Technologies queuing system changed the waiting line process and made all operations safe and easy. The thermal imaging camera checks each person and detects his/her body temperature.

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The Result

With a new integrated system, customer waiting times are well organized, and clients in VASA are safe. A thermal imaging camera has a facial recognition system that monitors people's health for symptoms of the COVID-19 infection. The device checks a person's current body temperature. A temperature over 37.2 degrees most often indicates that a fever caused by a disease or illness is present. The alarm system will automatically turn on if the body temperature is more than 37.2 degrees and the AKIS Technologies system will not print a ticket with a number. If the system allows a person to go in, he/she will get an access ticket with a bar code. With this bar code, the client can enter the office and go to the needed workplace.

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